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World-Class Hardware, Hosted With The Best In Australia


Top-of-the-line hardware and providers like VMW and HP to keep your data safe and available at lightning-fast speeds. 

Custom-configured servers for speed and reliability

Does slow and unreliable hardware exhaust you, and make it hard for you to keep up with your demands?

Look no further than our custom-configured servers and world-class hardware solutions, for fast and reliable access to your data.

Experience the Best: World-Class Hardware Solutions in Australia

Our RTO software’s custom-configured servers are designed to be the best in the business.

We design custom configurations to deliver the fastest and most reliable service possible. Our experienced technicians work tirelessly to optimize our servers for speed and reliability. We use the latest hardware and software to ensure that we always stay ahead of the competition.

As staunch advocates of quality, we use only the best hardware providers, such as VMWare and HPE, to guarantee the quality of our products.

Our commitment to quality means you can trust our hardware. We deliver the performance and reliability you need, every time.

Servers Hosted In Top-Tier Facilities


Top-tier facilities in Docklands, Melbourne, and Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast host our servers to provide the fastest back-end hardware configurations possible.



Multiple deployments across Australia ensure that your data is safe and backed up in multiple locations, providing complete peace of mind





Terabytes of NAS storage readily available and fast gigabit-networked report servers






We’re committed to providing world-class hardware solutions across Australia, so you don’t have to settle for anything less.

Providing World Class Hardware Across Australia

Multiple deployments spread across Australia helps RTO’s clients to have their data safe and backed-up in multiple places. 

Experience safety and complete peace of mind like never before!

We stand on the shoulders of giants, and you, on ours!